
Back to BKK again

Due to the last minute announcement of plant shut down during the new year eve from my company, Porky and i planned for a 4 days trip to BKK again.
I am going for the second time in this year and third time for Porky.

We just want to laze at the pool side of Pathuwan Pricess Hotel, join the yoga class, eat well , sleep well , massage and some shopping. Time to recharge after so many things happened in this year.


爸爸 我爱你

我一直没走出来,常常在夜晚入眠前想到爸爸, 就掉眼泪。 莫名的哀伤, 让我不能恢复心情工作。
某天黄昏走在路上,我突然领悟,原来我的难过,是因为我从来没对他说过我爱他, 他就走了。
我才自己在脑海里一遍一遍说: 爸爸,我爱你。



曲婉婷 我的歌声里
