
Tired but feel blessed

After working for weeks like a dog since June , I finally went for another meditation camp with my friend Alien in early July. This time I could  tahan longer without feeling my back is cracking into pieces  at the end of every session, and I have more control over my mind. Overall , I feel my body is more accustomed to the long meditation sessions than the last one.

After the meditation  camp, I plunged into another crazy week at work. At the end of the week, Porky cooked for me dinner for the 3 or 4 th time after years moving in to our place now, i must go buy toto. It was a good meal, sweet potato porridge , tao cheong  with egg plant,  eggs with onions, I truly enjoyed a good meal.

Last week is then another crazy week of study for a 5 days full time  training course at a private institute. Since the first day of my course , I have fall sick ( thanks to piggy ) and have to burn midnight oil, for the 5days  course is too packed for me to cope. Lots of exercises to be done each night  and lots of memorizing for exam , I can only sleep for like 5 to 6 hours every day. Finally it is over, I do not think I want to try again.

We watched The Big C last night on the cable tv, and Susan Sarandan asked Cathy , when was the last time she felt joy in herself ? For me , it is always the trips with Piggy.   We are now planning for our year end trip and the top 2 options are  Japan and  Australia.

 I read some writings from a Thai monk,  he said : 坚持完美的人和事这种概念是多余的,它只会制造不必要的痛苦。  Ppl are trying very hard to go for things that is pleasing to  their  senses, they want more and more  and it is never enough. It would only create tension/ stress / pain / resistance to simple but good things in life.  Everything  that is too perfect looks fake, things with flaws look real. I would rather eat foods that  is plain but with real ingredients , rather that something taste perfect but full of coloring / flavoring. Greedy for good smell / taste / appearance , and that is the reason why our foods are poisoned nowadays. He has also said that 无法自爱 的人, 没有能力去爱 别人。 I totally agree with that, I need to love myself more, after all I just learnt how to love someone else in the last ten years.
