
Hotel Grand Budapest

As I was not feeling well for the whole week , piggy asked me to eat at porky mum,and stayed over night. He made sure I am well taken care of as I have fainted at work.
We then headed to a movie this noon , Hotel Grand Budapest , a hilarious and cool movie. Excellent performance from Ralph Fienes and the actors / director. Piggy was very happy that I chose this movie.
We headed home and until he started to indulge in games and tv at the same time tht made me  lost my temper. We had a tiff and ended in peace. There is this childlike part of piggy that makes him funny and annoying at the same time.
At the same night I checked our mailbox and i finally received the long waited approval letter from ICA. I cried as it gave me the freedom and I can take care of piggy for as long as my fate allowed. I dun have to worry abt being separated from him anymore.




因为被新主管无理压迫和不合理分配而剧增的工作, 我开始焦虑。 很久没有焦虑了, 上一次发作是在刚离开上海回新找工作。 后来父亲过世,让我陷入忧郁。
我不知道自己能承受多少,但我知道最近几个月已经累积一定的负面情绪。 是时候去禅修,调心调身, 不然我会爆炸。
现在对工作就是做一天是一天,按我步伐走,不理会新主管的吩咐,因为永远无法完成每天的工作量。她既然不肯帮忙,我也不需要她, 反正我对得起公司和良心。



So Cold ( The Good Wife soundtrack )

From" The Good Wife " soundtrack, by Ben Cocks Ft Nikisha.