
Virgo Cruise before CNY

It is nothing new nowadays for ppl to go on cruise for days to stuff themselves with foods to fatten themselves after, i have not try it yet untill i am 39 years old, which the cruise journey just ended today.

Piggy had a pair of free ticket for 2 after patronizing Star Cruise for many years and he asked me to join him for the trip this time, which i gladly said yes of course. We boarded on Virgo on Friday night on 11 Jan, right after work. We were hungry and decided to check in our cabin and went for our dinner. After a buffet dinner, which both us of were too full to do anything else, we went for a musical on the cruise, which was quite entertaining with acrobats and opera singing. That night Piggy went for casino untill 3am.

The next day we slept until 8 am and ate our breakfast , the routine repeated again and again, we were like pigs in a farm, eat sleep shit eat sleep and shit. We did some reading and wandering around the cruise. During lunch time , Piggy managed to sweet talk to a few Aunties, trying to persuade them to marry their daugthers to him. He is always good at sweet talk to older ladies with compliments such as : " you have good personality and ppl will like you ... you have good taste and dressed well. ". Hmmph, i really cannot stand it. After watching a movie, we rushed with 100 meter dash to our afternoon tea as we were late and only 10 minutes left before it closed. The second night Piggy went for gambling again and i slept.

Last day, we did nothing again except reading after breakfast. Piggy and i were like other retired old couples on the cruise, totally lazed off and did nothing. Isnt it life is good ?



打坐日记 (3)

因为公司年底停止生产,我和胖猪去曼谷度假4天,每天都睡得饱饱,吃得很好。这次我们还是回到Pathumwan Princess , 因为酒店有很棒的泳池,健身房,很好的瑜伽老师,又和MBK连接。

这次我们还发现了BanKhun Mae 这间地道泰式餐厅, 连续吃了两餐,都让我们捧着肚子满意的回酒店。 这样过着吃喝睡购物运动的4天,休息得很好,人也晒得黑黑的。 只是那几天肩膀,膝盖,腰部,好像都没刚开始打坐时的那么好, 人也有点上火。
泰式炒米粉, 黄梨炒虾仁,撒拉, 鱼饼。

我们回来后第二天,正好是1月1日。 中午打坐后,发现额头一直胀起来, 而且会不自主的往左侧弯曲, 不敢久坐。 1月2日,晚上读楞严经,晚上气又发动, 一直冲到额头胀起来。现在已不奇怪,任由它发挥。 第二天起来, 发现劳损好久的右肩膀和膝盖关节好像放了润滑剂,不再大声咔咔做响,额头中的一粒很顽固的肿块突然消下去了。

1月3日,阴天,晚上九点打坐半小时,坐中眼睛痒痒的,我想动手去抓痒,却发现动作好慢,好像在月球般动不了。抓痒后,停了一会儿,再继续打坐。 头又往左侧弯曲, 任由它去, 发现头一直弯曲到耳朵快碰到肩膀,突然有一股暖气从头顶左边吹进头脑里, 那股力量就不见了, 头又直了起来。

