

Fat cat is the nickname I gave to darby.

I can't quite remember how it all started as I don't usually give nicknames to people I know. Furthermore, darby was not even fat when I first met him. He then had a sultry figure and a 28 or 29 inch waist to boast of (but now no more, hoho :-).

What I do remember from our first meeting is that his look resembles that of a cat in some ways. You know how some people look like dogs and some others look like birds. To me, darby belongs to the cat category.

I started to call darby fat cat after we became more familiar with each other. It was a term of affection where I am concerned. Surprisingly, darby didn't protest very much, or not even at all over the nickname.

On hindsight, he must have liked me enough by then to tolerate my name calling and I must have liked him too to coin an original nickname for him.

I still call darby by this nickname and will possibly do so for the rest of our lives together. I hope he likes the sound of it as much as I do.


Mc Dull

So he is Mc Dull. A piglet born in HK , supposedly. I named piggy after this cute animated character as he is almost the same like Mc Dull except his figure. Like to eat / easy going / short legs / optimistic/ blurr when it comes to certain things...

We finally travelled to HK in 2005 for 1st time and we love it, not long after that i left Singapore , and spending time in Shenzhen for work and in HK for leisure. life has become boring for me without the piglet.

Besides Mc Dull , someone i must mention here is Mdm McBing aka Mai Tai, Mc Dull s mum. A lovely chubby lady who cooks delicious meals for me whenever i visit her house. I truly admire the way she carries herself , a friendly cheerful easygoing lady, to an outsider like me.



oink oink everyone (^@^)

here comes... the PIG...

My beloved darby created this blog. I don't know when he conceived the idea but I think it is fabulous! I was telling a lawyer friend this morning how darby and I have been keeping our currently long distance relationship going through sms-es, phone and cam chat and occasional trips together. I think this blog is a complement to what we have been doing and will definitely enhance our communication and mutual understanding.

This being my first posting, I will keep it short. There will be lots to write about and plenty of things to record in the days to come.

Mcdull (aka piggy or pig pig)

i love Korea

i was in Korea for a few days for business in Feb 07, went to Busan for 2 days and Seoul for 2 days.

Having stayed for a long time in run down Shenzhen country side , Korea does impress me with its neat and tidy streets/layout. Very similar to Singapore and i think it is on par with Japan.
This is a bridge over Hanjiang river, which i took when the airport express bus sent me to the airport on my return trip.
I like it alot .


So the pig has learnt how to use this blog

the pig has logged in today . it has asked many qns and still not lay a finger on it. i think it is very scared because of the technology involved.

i will post more pic in the future , like scenery.



Our first blog

it has been 3 yrs McDull and Darby became a couple since they know each other on 30 Dec 2003. Am i right ? (i am always forgetful abt dates and details. )
McDull will need this blog to brush up his knowledge on the use of internet.

I have just returned from Spore to SZ after my chinese new year holiday and i am desperately home sick. Miss my piggy and our homeland (Singapore and Malaysia). He is the cutest pig in this new year of golden pig.
