
Holland Village

Piggy and i had a pillow talk on Sat noon on our bed for hours about his dad and work, this is rare bcs usually he would just fall asleep in 5 seconds when his head hit the pillow and i even have a voice record of Piggy s snoring sound. I am not happy about how he is treated by his family but i cannot go to them and shout in that person's face : Stop bullying my man. I just glad that he begin to face the fact that, not everyone is nice to you, when this happens, fight back.

I grew up in a chaotic family, where mum and dad are traditional chinese parents who would just make sure we are fed and dressed well, they have no energy to care for other needs. Brought up by my grandparents, I was the odd one out in my family as i am neither connected to my siblings nor to my parents, i learnt to protect myself very early and fight for myself. Now i began to see Piggy do the same as i did when i was much younger, he is a suckling pig with fangs now.

Love those who love you, for those who do not deserve just ignore them, for life is short. We should not bully others, but we do not let others bully us.

After the long chat, we then went to Holland Village HanSang Korean Restaurant for a great meal, to celebrate my new job and PR approval. Porky had his Ginseng Chicken and i Kimchi Udon, we then shared a fruity ice kachang. He was immoblised after the meal like a snake eaten an elephant, for the glutinous rice in the chicken stomach was too much for his effecient digestive system. We then walked a bit around that area, before we headed home.

Life is sweet. La Dolce Vita.



Aimee Mann _ Thats just what you are

From Melrose Place soundtrack, one of my fav song by a most underrated artist/song writer / singer in the 90s, Aimee Mann_ That s just what you are.

From movie Magnolia soundtrack, Aimee Mann _ Wise Up. A song that will make you cry.

From movie Magnolia soundtrack, last scene, Aimee Mann _ Save me.




Another weekend has arrived. This weekend will however not be one of those work free ones that I started to practise since the Cat returned from Shanghai more than a year ago.

First, there is this matter which I am working with my counterparts in Australia that we MUST complete by Monday. I bought them four weeks but they only gave me their instructions and documents on the last week to review and to work on them. Good luck to us. It's do or die.

Second, I have to bring my dad back from hospital after his long stay there. He is having his wish (to come home) granted this coming Father's Day. I hope the good man up there gives him all the strength to take care of himself and to function normally.

The only rest I see myself getting will be at HV - love abode for P&C (pig and cat). The Cat has been uncharacteristically sweet the last few days, seeing how stressed and worn out I am by work and my father. He does not pamper me as often as I would like (hehe). But on occasions when my energy is sapped, he knows when to ease things up for me a bit to relieve my burden.

The Cat has a decent level of sensitivity. Sadly, I can't say the same for my boss.



Eros - Hand

I do not know wht the guy sang in the beginning of film, but it s beautiful.




You don't know what powerful lungs are until you hear Adele.

Mcdull (male adele)

New HP Laptop

I am saying an official bye to my Dell desk top after something like 7 to 9 years (how long exactly i can't remember).

Darby brought his royal presence to my HDB residence to help me set up the laptop and install the necessary softwares. I have to count on him where it comes to IT matters just like he has to count on me to add numbers in the snap of fingers.

In between us, we took and clocked an untimed 2 hours to complete the task. That shows how savvy he is with IT hard and software.

Number adding is easier, and faster.

Mcdull (after a long hiatus)


They are Satan in disguise.

I was shocked to read a piece of social news from Yahoo today about Nightingale Home in Bradell, Spore.


From Youtube, the abusers looked like they are Mainland, China workers. They are fairer and like to sport silly pony tails due to their awful fashion sense. The younger nurse threw the old lady like a sand bag, with a disgusting hand gesture. Every human beings will feel his heart is aching to see the old lady being abused.

For goodness sake, fire them to teach them a lesson. In South East Asia, we believe in Karma, we fear God, we believe in being kind to others. Not the same for these Post Cultural Revolution batch, they fear nothing and believe in money only.

Spore needs foreign workers, but as a result it has also downgraded its image as a graceful society, by bringing in lots of foreign workers who cannot fit in. it is about the choice the country made, grow and rot at the same time.




I took a day off today and will return to office to do final handover on Friday as my (soon to be) EX company is way too ineffecient and has been dragging the handover till my last day.

I will say this is one of the worst work experience in my career path besides my first company that shut down, this is the first time i am working for a SME run by stingy Singaporean Chinese family members, while they do not have management skills/ proper industrial exposure, they are proud of themselves despite their lack of knowledge. I have to knock my head for trying to be loyal when i was approached by a few companies last year for better offers, lesson learnt.

Also from this company i have learnt what is the qualities of a poor/ lousy manager,
1. Lack of vision / direction
2. Lack of planning / communication
3. Lack of follow up
4. Lack of knowledge but unwilling to ask / discuss
5. Dictator mode
6. Ill manner to others, verbally abusive.

During the exit interview, i decided not to teach them what they failed to see, cause it is their behaviour that resulted in i have no trust for them, better save my saliva to talk to Porky , therefor i am did not tell them a single thing on why i chose to leave. Anyway it is hypocrite to ask you why, only when you decided to go, if they really care about it they should have taken action when i feedback.

So today i decided to rest at home, did some simple house chores, tidied up, cooked my meals and napped. It is a like a "Pause" between "Play" mode on my Ipod. Life is short, sleep hard.
