从十月底第一次打坐,在刚开始时,打坐后就像喝了咳嗽药水,人是轻飘飘的, 不理周边的人事物,没有事挂在心上。 后来就有莫名的喜悦, 每天都很开心,加上身体变好得不得了,持续半个月都喜乐无比的状态中。
在十二月初打坐后,气机第一次开始发动,耳鸣不止,躺在床上觉得很晕,突然觉手脚发烫,全身温暖,好象整个人泡热水澡一样。之后,只要一打坐, 耳鸣一直重复出现。 上周日一口气看了六章金刚经,高高兴兴去睡午觉时,突然热麻电流从右脚窜到身体,再到右手,身体暖呼呼,很舒服。 之后,只有念头想到那里,气就会跑到那里,产生刺麻带电感觉。
今晚更把自己吓了一跳,坐了快二十分钟时,本来就心中只念佛号,用丹田呼吸,后腰脊椎感觉凉凉的,突然两只结定印的手,慢慢自己抬高三寸,感觉手臂涨鼓鼓,充了气一样, 放又放不下来。 气一跑完全身,就是舒服。 过了五分钟,好象机械手臂一样,它自己慢慢降下来。 我调好息后,才敢下坐。 耳鸣又来了。 有了上次经验,这次不勉强入睡,打了日记再去睡也不要紧。
最近情绪没以前的与世隔离感觉,可是也不太爱理同事。 有时他们说话侮辱了僧人,说和尚对社会没贡献,我也不说话,夏虫不可语冰。精神层面的世界,不是我们槛外人能懂,不要随口批评。 心静不下来之人,不能了解内心世界的深奥。
打坐日记 (1 )
在父亲的灵堂,三天里每日大声的诵经,原是为了父亲能往生到好地方,没想到反种下了因。 离开灵堂后,我一直不安,忧郁,便积极的找出口。 自从在参加了十月二十号的慧门禅师的禅二, 学会了七支坐法, 从第一次坐禅的得到宁静后,我慢慢从丧父的忧郁走出来。
我断断续续打坐快一个月了。刚开始上坐时,闭眼一片漆黑,心像坏掉的收音机,杂讯不断, 十分钟就投降。 到现在,上坐后眼前光明,心无杂念,人就像云在天空里飘般轻快,45分钟就过了。如果没试过,你不会了解,打坐比SPA还舒服。
下坐后,身体轻快,纠缠多年的鼻炎,背痛,都停止了, 身体像是新的般,没有了累积多年的疲累。 虽然,打坐不是为了气运行,可是没有通气脉,身体就不好,入定就难了。一旦全身放松,心无杂念,它自动运行,不受控制。 气脉一关一关的通, 对我来说是不可思议。 先由脚趾开始,到后背, 肩膀,上颈项,过耳朵,眼鼻,我没有太多难受, 只觉得暖气走动,毛孔张开。 只有在左眼和左耳,气走得太衝, 眼睛耳朵痛了几天而已。
心也宽了,平时爱与人拼命,现在就觉得对方可怜,不会多费唇舌。 每天都很快乐,离开负面能量的人远远的。不能打坐的日子就读经,越读越明白,原来如此,以前没修行的我是看不懂的,现在知道它说什么了。 如果不实际操作,不会体会,想到就感恩佛陀,整理出一套体系,让有缘人身得轻安,心无挂碍。
今晚打坐后,耳鸣不断,睡在床上,好像被什么力量吸走一样。看着自己的手,好像手不是我的一部分,又或者我不是这身体的一部分, 心想可能是独头意识吧,禅坐毕竟是为了脱离“我”的束缚。。 精神很好,爬起来写了这篇部落格。 不知自己修到哪里了,但随它吧。
我断断续续打坐快一个月了。刚开始上坐时,闭眼一片漆黑,心像坏掉的收音机,杂讯不断, 十分钟就投降。 到现在,上坐后眼前光明,心无杂念,人就像云在天空里飘般轻快,45分钟就过了。如果没试过,你不会了解,打坐比SPA还舒服。
下坐后,身体轻快,纠缠多年的鼻炎,背痛,都停止了, 身体像是新的般,没有了累积多年的疲累。 虽然,打坐不是为了气运行,可是没有通气脉,身体就不好,入定就难了。一旦全身放松,心无杂念,它自动运行,不受控制。 气脉一关一关的通, 对我来说是不可思议。 先由脚趾开始,到后背, 肩膀,上颈项,过耳朵,眼鼻,我没有太多难受, 只觉得暖气走动,毛孔张开。 只有在左眼和左耳,气走得太衝, 眼睛耳朵痛了几天而已。
心也宽了,平时爱与人拼命,现在就觉得对方可怜,不会多费唇舌。 每天都很快乐,离开负面能量的人远远的。不能打坐的日子就读经,越读越明白,原来如此,以前没修行的我是看不懂的,现在知道它说什么了。 如果不实际操作,不会体会,想到就感恩佛陀,整理出一套体系,让有缘人身得轻安,心无挂碍。
今晚打坐后,耳鸣不断,睡在床上,好像被什么力量吸走一样。看着自己的手,好像手不是我的一部分,又或者我不是这身体的一部分, 心想可能是独头意识吧,禅坐毕竟是为了脱离“我”的束缚。。 精神很好,爬起来写了这篇部落格。 不知自己修到哪里了,但随它吧。
Back to BKK again
Due to the last minute announcement of plant shut down during the new year eve from my company, Porky and i planned for a 4 days trip to BKK again.
I am going for the second time in this year and third time for Porky.
We just want to laze at the pool side of Pathuwan Pricess Hotel, join the yoga class, eat well , sleep well , massage and some shopping. Time to recharge after so many things happened in this year.
I am going for the second time in this year and third time for Porky.
We just want to laze at the pool side of Pathuwan Pricess Hotel, join the yoga class, eat well , sleep well , massage and some shopping. Time to recharge after so many things happened in this year.
爸爸 我爱你
我一直没走出来,常常在夜晚入眠前想到爸爸, 就掉眼泪。 莫名的哀伤, 让我不能恢复心情工作。
某天黄昏走在路上,我突然领悟,原来我的难过,是因为我从来没对他说过我爱他, 他就走了。
我才自己在脑海里一遍一遍说: 爸爸,我爱你。
某天黄昏走在路上,我突然领悟,原来我的难过,是因为我从来没对他说过我爱他, 他就走了。
我才自己在脑海里一遍一遍说: 爸爸,我爱你。
25 Aug 2012 漫遊博物馆
在8月最后一个周末,肥猪和我决定在新加坡国家和艺术博物馆都免费开放的时候去逛逛。 我很久没去博物馆了,这次是个很好的经验。
我们都喜欢Han's 这个老牌餐厅,先在Han's吃了顿丰盛的午餐,再出发。
我们先到国家博物馆闲逛,看了很多六七十年代的生活方式,怀念小时候的一景一物。看到妈妈年轻时在家里辛劳的踩着Singer的缝纫机,过年时在外公家一定要喝的花沙尼橙汁汽水,红色的木屐,旧电影海报。 仿佛一下子我们都老了,人到中年了,好多感触。
逛完了国家博物馆,接着就去艺术博物馆。 没什么惊喜,除了贾蔼力的现代油画和吴冠中的水墨画比较迷人,其他的装置艺术真时不知所云。
我们都喜欢Han's 这个老牌餐厅,先在Han's吃了顿丰盛的午餐,再出发。
我们先到国家博物馆闲逛,看了很多六七十年代的生活方式,怀念小时候的一景一物。看到妈妈年轻时在家里辛劳的踩着Singer的缝纫机,过年时在外公家一定要喝的花沙尼橙汁汽水,红色的木屐,旧电影海报。 仿佛一下子我们都老了,人到中年了,好多感触。
逛完了国家博物馆,接着就去艺术博物馆。 没什么惊喜,除了贾蔼力的现代油画和吴冠中的水墨画比较迷人,其他的装置艺术真时不知所云。
Nigella s mother recipe Praised Chicken
I am uploading this to my blog as i have tried it and love this recipe from Nigella s mother. Guess who finished the chicken with me.
•1 large chicken (pref organic)
•2 teaspoon(s) garlic infused olive oil
•100 ml white wine
•3 Leeks cleaned trimmed & cut into 7cm logs
•3 carrot peeled & cut into batons
•2 stick celery sliced
•2 litre(s) water cold
•1 bouquet garni (or 1 teaspoon dried herbs)
•1 bunch Parsley
•2 teaspoon(s) sea salt
•2 teaspoon(s) Pepper (or 2 teaspoons red peppercorns)
•1 pinch of English mustard
•1 pinch of Dill chopped
1.Get out a large, flame-safe cooking pot (with a lid) in which the chicken can fit snugly: mine is about 28cm wide x 10cm deep.
2.On a washable board, un-truss the chicken, put it breast-side down and press down until you hear the breastbone crack. (As you may imagine, I like this.) Then press down again, so that the chicken is flattened slightly. Now cut off the ankle joints below the drumstick (but keep them); I find kitchen scissors up to the task.
3.Put the oil in the pan to heat, then brown the chicken for a few minutes breast-side down, and turn up the heat and turn over the chicken, tossing in the feet as you do so. Still over a vigorous heat add the wine or vermouth to the pan and let it bubble down a little before adding the leeks, carrots and celery.
4.Pour in enough cold water to cover the chicken, though the very top of it may poke out, then pop in the bouquet garni or your herbs of choice, and the parsley stalks (if I have a bunch, I cut the stalks off to use here, but leave them tied in the rubber band) or parsley sprigs
5.The chicken should be almost completely submerged by now and if not, do add some more cold water. You want it just about covered.
6.Bring to a bubble, clamp on the lid, turn the heat to very low and leave to cook for 1½–2 hours. I tend to give it 1½ hours, or 1 hour 40 minutes, then leave it to stand with the heat off, but the lid still on, for the remaining 20–30 minutes.
7.Serve the chicken and accompanying vegetables with brown basmati rice, adding a ladleful or two of liquid over each shallow bowl, as you go, and putting fresh dill and mustard on the table for the eaters to add as they wish.
•1 large chicken (pref organic)
•2 teaspoon(s) garlic infused olive oil
•100 ml white wine
•3 Leeks cleaned trimmed & cut into 7cm logs
•3 carrot peeled & cut into batons
•2 stick celery sliced
•2 litre(s) water cold
•1 bouquet garni (or 1 teaspoon dried herbs)
•1 bunch Parsley
•2 teaspoon(s) sea salt
•2 teaspoon(s) Pepper (or 2 teaspoons red peppercorns)
•1 pinch of English mustard
•1 pinch of Dill chopped
1.Get out a large, flame-safe cooking pot (with a lid) in which the chicken can fit snugly: mine is about 28cm wide x 10cm deep.
2.On a washable board, un-truss the chicken, put it breast-side down and press down until you hear the breastbone crack. (As you may imagine, I like this.) Then press down again, so that the chicken is flattened slightly. Now cut off the ankle joints below the drumstick (but keep them); I find kitchen scissors up to the task.
3.Put the oil in the pan to heat, then brown the chicken for a few minutes breast-side down, and turn up the heat and turn over the chicken, tossing in the feet as you do so. Still over a vigorous heat add the wine or vermouth to the pan and let it bubble down a little before adding the leeks, carrots and celery.
4.Pour in enough cold water to cover the chicken, though the very top of it may poke out, then pop in the bouquet garni or your herbs of choice, and the parsley stalks (if I have a bunch, I cut the stalks off to use here, but leave them tied in the rubber band) or parsley sprigs
5.The chicken should be almost completely submerged by now and if not, do add some more cold water. You want it just about covered.
6.Bring to a bubble, clamp on the lid, turn the heat to very low and leave to cook for 1½–2 hours. I tend to give it 1½ hours, or 1 hour 40 minutes, then leave it to stand with the heat off, but the lid still on, for the remaining 20–30 minutes.
7.Serve the chicken and accompanying vegetables with brown basmati rice, adding a ladleful or two of liquid over each shallow bowl, as you go, and putting fresh dill and mustard on the table for the eaters to add as they wish.
Railway Mall
过去两周对小猪和我都很疲累。 我因为父亲过世, 周末都要赶回老家拜祭, 舟车劳顿没有休息。小猪则因为猪妈妈身体欠佳而入院,工作医院两头跑让他忙得晕头转向。
但还好,这周末一切平静,我们可以在家里偷闲。 周六去吃午饭后,我们如往常一般去超市购物。孝顺的小猪就为猪妈妈进货,买了好多补钙的包装牛奶和补关节的蔓越梅干。 过后,为了小猪即将来临的生日无法陪伴他,预先请他吃蛋糕配下午茶,当作庆生。贪吃的小猪叫了萝卜蛋糕,我则叫了我爱吃的芝士草莓蛋糕。 晚上下着冷冷的雨,我们窝在沙发上看电视,夜里相拥呼呼大睡。 疲累不堪的身体稍微得到休息。
第二天早上,野心勃勃的我们晨运时候打算从HV跑到Railway Mall在吃早餐。本以为会很吃力,但路程出乎意料的快,我们没花多久就到了。 小猪大言不惭的说要跑半程的马拉松,他还以为猪真的会飞。
吃了椰浆饭和热咖啡后,我们就回家看报纸,做家务。 抹地板时,我扭伤了脚,还好不是很严重。
但还好,这周末一切平静,我们可以在家里偷闲。 周六去吃午饭后,我们如往常一般去超市购物。孝顺的小猪就为猪妈妈进货,买了好多补钙的包装牛奶和补关节的蔓越梅干。 过后,为了小猪即将来临的生日无法陪伴他,预先请他吃蛋糕配下午茶,当作庆生。贪吃的小猪叫了萝卜蛋糕,我则叫了我爱吃的芝士草莓蛋糕。 晚上下着冷冷的雨,我们窝在沙发上看电视,夜里相拥呼呼大睡。 疲累不堪的身体稍微得到休息。
第二天早上,野心勃勃的我们晨运时候打算从HV跑到Railway Mall在吃早餐。本以为会很吃力,但路程出乎意料的快,我们没花多久就到了。 小猪大言不惭的说要跑半程的马拉松,他还以为猪真的会飞。
吃了椰浆饭和热咖啡后,我们就回家看报纸,做家务。 抹地板时,我扭伤了脚,还好不是很严重。
自从丈夫过世后,妈妈一直很坚强, 她没有以泪洗脸,只是有些沉默。 她只是靠在棺木边,哭着对爸爸说:” 老头子,谢谢你没让我吃太多苦,从没对我动过手。 你好好走。 “ 看着年老的她流泪让我心都碎了。
事实上爸爸对妈妈并不很尊重疼爱,典型的潮州大男人,因为人到中年时候无一技傍身而失业好久,性情也大变,妈妈二话不说挑起重担出外工作带大我们。 我不讳言对妈妈的爱远多于爸爸,因为妈妈是真正刚强的人,面对生活磨难从没有犹豫,迎面而上,我们这一代才能得到好的生活。这一世我如果有欠了一个女人, 只有妈妈。
唯一让我担心的是,妈妈一直不愿搬出来与我同住而选择和弟弟居住。弟弟的坏脾气出了名,妈妈身体好些时我还没那么担心,最近她的身体没那么健朗,我好怕她被弟弟气病。我不能理解,如果对妻子这个认识不到几年的人,做丈夫的都能控制自己的脾气,为什么对辛苦养大自己的母亲却没好脸色? 到这年纪本该享福有儿媳妇伺候,不该看儿子脸色。
妈妈大概是认命了,不愿在晚年多生事端。我想家家都有难念的经, 只能尽力让她晚年开心。
事实上爸爸对妈妈并不很尊重疼爱,典型的潮州大男人,因为人到中年时候无一技傍身而失业好久,性情也大变,妈妈二话不说挑起重担出外工作带大我们。 我不讳言对妈妈的爱远多于爸爸,因为妈妈是真正刚强的人,面对生活磨难从没有犹豫,迎面而上,我们这一代才能得到好的生活。这一世我如果有欠了一个女人, 只有妈妈。
唯一让我担心的是,妈妈一直不愿搬出来与我同住而选择和弟弟居住。弟弟的坏脾气出了名,妈妈身体好些时我还没那么担心,最近她的身体没那么健朗,我好怕她被弟弟气病。我不能理解,如果对妻子这个认识不到几年的人,做丈夫的都能控制自己的脾气,为什么对辛苦养大自己的母亲却没好脸色? 到这年纪本该享福有儿媳妇伺候,不该看儿子脸色。
妈妈大概是认命了,不愿在晚年多生事端。我想家家都有难念的经, 只能尽力让她晚年开心。
几个礼拜前,硬拉着麦兜去Queensway Shopping Center买了双跑步鞋, 我们俩人都买了一样的款式,算是情侣鞋吧。鞋子放在家里好几个礼拜了, 懒惰的猪猪总是喜欢屁股粘在沙发上不肯动。今天早上的天气很好, 我们终于穿上鞋子,开始跑步了。平足的我一向来不喜欢跑步鞋,原来穿上适合的跑步鞋是很舒服的。
我们家附近的豪宅都是建在山坡上, 所以麦兜和我就当作冒险,去山上绕。我们发现了一家好吃的印度煎饼店,一个可以荡秋千小公园,和山坡的最高点可以看到另外一个区。 麦兜荡秋千的样子很像小孩般快乐,后来我们就边看报纸边吃好吃的煎饼。我们好久没有户外活动了,这个汗流浃背的早上是很好的经验。我们会继续跑下去。
我们家附近的豪宅都是建在山坡上, 所以麦兜和我就当作冒险,去山上绕。我们发现了一家好吃的印度煎饼店,一个可以荡秋千小公园,和山坡的最高点可以看到另外一个区。 麦兜荡秋千的样子很像小孩般快乐,后来我们就边看报纸边吃好吃的煎饼。我们好久没有户外活动了,这个汗流浃背的早上是很好的经验。我们会继续跑下去。
在爸爸的灵堂守了几天,从入棺,钉棺,火化,检骨,到设牌位, 一切只要三到四天。 过程快得你不相信,一个活生生的人,这么快就变成一堆白骨。 每天只有三到四个小时的睡眠,心交力瘁的撑过去后,我当时只想回到自己家里好好的大睡一场, 除了猪猪谁也不想见。这个经验不好受,但没人可以避免。回来之后, 偶而还是会恍神难过。
一直以来我和他不能相处得很好,直到晚年的他才比较容易相处, 我们还能相敬如宾。中年的我把可爱的妈妈当女儿,连带也把爸爸当孩子,外出时还是会担心他们两老安全。 看到爸爸的名字出现在死亡证书上,是一件很震撼的事。 这世界上少了一个亲人, 永远的离开了。你叫他,他听不到,也不会再回应。 关心或呕气,也没办法做到了,我不是没有遗憾。
心里唯一安慰的事,他年轻时虽吃了不少苦,晚年却得享儿孙绕膝之福,不用为生活而吃苦,离开时也没痛苦,是有福之人。 全家人都念了不少经,这世的缘份尽了,心里希望他有个好去处。
PS 写着写着,眼泪不停的掉,遗憾的是现在才知道,原来他对我比我自己想象中还重要。
一直以来我和他不能相处得很好,直到晚年的他才比较容易相处, 我们还能相敬如宾。中年的我把可爱的妈妈当女儿,连带也把爸爸当孩子,外出时还是会担心他们两老安全。 看到爸爸的名字出现在死亡证书上,是一件很震撼的事。 这世界上少了一个亲人, 永远的离开了。你叫他,他听不到,也不会再回应。 关心或呕气,也没办法做到了,我不是没有遗憾。
心里唯一安慰的事,他年轻时虽吃了不少苦,晚年却得享儿孙绕膝之福,不用为生活而吃苦,离开时也没痛苦,是有福之人。 全家人都念了不少经,这世的缘份尽了,心里希望他有个好去处。
PS 写着写着,眼泪不停的掉,遗憾的是现在才知道,原来他对我比我自己想象中还重要。
Farewell Mr Tan senior
Hi Mr Tan senior,
Although I have never met you and will never do again, I want to thank you for being one of the two persons who brought the man I love into this world.
I love your son and will do so even more in future.
Although I have never met you and will never do again, I want to thank you for being one of the two persons who brought the man I love into this world.
I love your son and will do so even more in future.
Good bye dad.
It was 4 am in the morning, I was sleeping soundly after taking medication . My phone rang non stop, I picked up the phone and my sis in law was sobbing : dad cannot wake up. My mind was blank, after that I did not know what I did but I managed to reach home at 530am, before reaching home we received a call from siblings : dad is gone. We just cannot stop weeping. He is gone, he is not a loving father but I pity him for he had a terrible childhood. Good bye dad. Darby.
Weekend for old couple
I was having backache and nostril infection since Friday night, but since i have promised to cook for Piggy before the weekend, i decided to drag my sick body to wet market in the morning. When i am finally done cooking 2 dishes and 1 soup by 12 noon ( which His Majesty usually expect more dishes ), i was almost collapsed into pieces. But good thing that when Piggy reached home for lunch and realised my condition, he helped me with all the house chores and nagged on me for not taking my nasal spray until i gave in. And me feeding him with yogurt for he has weak stomach recently.
I was quite lucky that despite my backache and nostril infection on Saturday, i am much better on Sunday. We went for breakfast at Mcdonalds and reading papers for hours.
Then Piggy asked me on what Artist i like, i told him for Renaissance it has to be Botticeli, for modern it has to be Gustav Klimt. Piggy was making notes on his Iphone and i think he is going to make a bid in Sotheby soon. hehehe...
We then went for a swim and chatted on our plans for holiday and financial planning, pretty much like other old couples now.
PS: President Obama, bless you for truly respect the equality of all human beings and not being a hypocrite.
I was quite lucky that despite my backache and nostril infection on Saturday, i am much better on Sunday. We went for breakfast at Mcdonalds and reading papers for hours.
Then Piggy asked me on what Artist i like, i told him for Renaissance it has to be Botticeli, for modern it has to be Gustav Klimt. Piggy was making notes on his Iphone and i think he is going to make a bid in Sotheby soon. hehehe...
We then went for a swim and chatted on our plans for holiday and financial planning, pretty much like other old couples now.
PS: President Obama, bless you for truly respect the equality of all human beings and not being a hypocrite.
Lazy Sunday
While watching tv on Sat night, i just love to hug piggy when he s resting his head on my thigh. We are getting closer and closer to each other, I think one day our appearance will be like each other, just like any other old couples.
After chatting for hours on bed ( Piggy is a chatterbox ) , we slept till 830 am this morning and were too late to go the park for some morning exercise. Ate our breakfast at hawker , after that we went home to read morning paper, our favorite quiet time in a week. After reading paper, i cooked porridge and piggy went to poo poo. Pretty much like having our old couple life now.

We went for a swim in the afternoon, breezy day with good sun, had a good swim. With piggy by my side in the pool, staring at the fluffy clouds, i was thinking to myself isnt it life is good to me. Piggy scrubbeb my back during the shower, he s good at it and i said to him that he should work in sauna.
Time flies, things changed, so are we for better. We have hope for life, planning our investment/retirement together, where is our next destination for holidays, should we move to the next place. These were not possible when we were in our late twenties or early thirties, but now everything is possible. Able to choose makes you feel confidence about life. Many ppl has no choice but to carry on their unhappy life day by day/ year by year, i am glad that we are happy or easily contented persons. We hope for the next 30 years, we will be healthy, enough financial to do what we want ( we are not greedy persons ), spend more time together with loved ones and friends.
After chatting for hours on bed ( Piggy is a chatterbox ) , we slept till 830 am this morning and were too late to go the park for some morning exercise. Ate our breakfast at hawker , after that we went home to read morning paper, our favorite quiet time in a week. After reading paper, i cooked porridge and piggy went to poo poo. Pretty much like having our old couple life now.

We went for a swim in the afternoon, breezy day with good sun, had a good swim. With piggy by my side in the pool, staring at the fluffy clouds, i was thinking to myself isnt it life is good to me. Piggy scrubbeb my back during the shower, he s good at it and i said to him that he should work in sauna.
Time flies, things changed, so are we for better. We have hope for life, planning our investment/retirement together, where is our next destination for holidays, should we move to the next place. These were not possible when we were in our late twenties or early thirties, but now everything is possible. Able to choose makes you feel confidence about life. Many ppl has no choice but to carry on their unhappy life day by day/ year by year, i am glad that we are happy or easily contented persons. We hope for the next 30 years, we will be healthy, enough financial to do what we want ( we are not greedy persons ), spend more time together with loved ones and friends.
Hey There Delilah _ Erin Martin
Porky loves this song so much, he just cannot stop singing with poor delivery of his voice.
The big C season 2
Jack Johnson Inaudible melodies
BOY he was so so good even in live performance.
Porky and i were dancing to the song, at the same time mopping the floor and doing the house chores, when i played his CD.
Porky and i were dancing to the song, at the same time mopping the floor and doing the house chores, when i played his CD.
The girl with the dragon tattoo
最近都没看戏因为都没什么好戏,看戏一向很挑剔,没有好的导演,演员,剧本我就不看。 但是当Stieg Larsson的"龙纹身的女孩"英文版上映时我的心一直痒痒的想去看,因为之前的瑞典版本就大获好评。自然觉得英文版的可能不如瑞典版本,毕竟作家本身是瑞典人,可是又不懂瑞典文只好靠英文版入门。
作家Stieg Larsson,本身就是个悲剧,从小家境贫穷,从事记者和作家职业,呕心呖血写了”千禧年三部曲"就因心脏病离世。留下这部爆红大卖的Millenium Trilogy,却无缘享受自己努力的成果。
第一部,龙纹身的女孩, the girl with the dragon tattoo
第二部,玩火的女孩, the girl who played with fire
第三部,踢蜂窝的女孩, the girl who kicked the hornets nest.
拉了胖猪一起到戏院,窝在里面三个小时,不简单。 刚开始节奏慢,铺着剧情介绍男女主角, Blomkvist和Lisabeth, 感觉导演很用心。 随着女主角Lisabeth的背景越来越清晰,她冷酷又智慧的面对生命中所有的磨难的态度,慢慢让观众喜欢上她,剧情进入一个又一个高潮。 直到剧终Lisabeth买了名贵的皮大衣,骑着重机车到Blomkvist家楼下要送给他,却发现Blomkvist揽着暧昧对象Berger的手去庆祝圣诞时,愤怒的把大衣摔入垃圾槽里,每个人都感觉到她的痛。 女主角Rooney Mara,成功让高难度的Lisabeth活了起来,脆弱瘦小庞克的外表,刚强高智慧的性格。
导演,演员,美术,剧本,都很出色。 好戏。

作家Stieg Larsson,本身就是个悲剧,从小家境贫穷,从事记者和作家职业,呕心呖血写了”千禧年三部曲"就因心脏病离世。留下这部爆红大卖的Millenium Trilogy,却无缘享受自己努力的成果。
第一部,龙纹身的女孩, the girl with the dragon tattoo
第二部,玩火的女孩, the girl who played with fire
第三部,踢蜂窝的女孩, the girl who kicked the hornets nest.
拉了胖猪一起到戏院,窝在里面三个小时,不简单。 刚开始节奏慢,铺着剧情介绍男女主角, Blomkvist和Lisabeth, 感觉导演很用心。 随着女主角Lisabeth的背景越来越清晰,她冷酷又智慧的面对生命中所有的磨难的态度,慢慢让观众喜欢上她,剧情进入一个又一个高潮。 直到剧终Lisabeth买了名贵的皮大衣,骑着重机车到Blomkvist家楼下要送给他,却发现Blomkvist揽着暧昧对象Berger的手去庆祝圣诞时,愤怒的把大衣摔入垃圾槽里,每个人都感觉到她的痛。 女主角Rooney Mara,成功让高难度的Lisabeth活了起来,脆弱瘦小庞克的外表,刚强高智慧的性格。
导演,演员,美术,剧本,都很出色。 好戏。

过完年, 迫不及待赶回来。 真的不喜欢小孩子, 偏偏老家一直都被小孩子霸占, 根本没有耳根清净读本书的时候。连和老妈打麻将都要等到那些牛魔王转世的家伙走了才打一两圈,老妈果然有赌后天分,一教就会。 还是自己的窝好,到了这把年纪,不想亏待自己。 回到家就喘口大气, 终于放松了。
初六周末煮了腊肠砂煲饭,胖猪一进门倒头就睡,这个周末他难得有片刻宁静。猪妈妈过完年身体有小毛病,把他给忙坏, 呼噜大睡一场之后才起身吃晚餐,边吃边赞。幸亏猪妈妈住院几天就没事,吉人天相。
开工后又恢复忙碌的生活加上过年吃的燥热食物,不到一周我们先后都病了,感冒咳嗽鼻塞。我工作量大增,忙得不可开交。 希望三月份有时间休息,和胖猪出国,趴在沙滩上不动。
初六周末煮了腊肠砂煲饭,胖猪一进门倒头就睡,这个周末他难得有片刻宁静。猪妈妈过完年身体有小毛病,把他给忙坏, 呼噜大睡一场之后才起身吃晚餐,边吃边赞。幸亏猪妈妈住院几天就没事,吉人天相。
开工后又恢复忙碌的生活加上过年吃的燥热食物,不到一周我们先后都病了,感冒咳嗽鼻塞。我工作量大增,忙得不可开交。 希望三月份有时间休息,和胖猪出国,趴在沙滩上不动。
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