
New hostel room and a job offer from Shanghai

Last Thursday night , I moved into my new hostel room that is similar to a Hongkong 3 star hotel room. It is an upgrading for me, because the old hostel room i have been living in for the last 2 years is really in a bad condition. In this new room , i have my own tv , shower room with hot water supply , bright lighting and clean tiles. Best of all , i have a super single bed that is really comfortable , and i do not have to wake up with an aching body anymore. You must be wondering why on earth i am selling myself to suffer in China , but looking back i am still much better than the locals ( they have to share their rooms with at least 1 to 7 persons ), although not as good as other expats. Well, i can afford to pay for my own accomodation in Shenzhen city if i want to, but in that way i will not save as much. And now my agony has come to an end -my hostel room is now better than my own room in Msia. In Shenzhen , residential houses do not come with heaters (I mean the air heater), unlike Shanghai, Beijing and other northern cities and it is challenging my tolerance towards coldness. I have a friend from icy cold Hei Long Jiang ( Black Dragon River ) and she told me that she found the winter in Shenzhen is more unbearable as there is no heater indoors. It is now winter again and although I slept with my small air heater on, I still find it cold as it is below 10 degree c at night. Luckily, my new room has a built in bathroom this time and I do not have to walk a long distance to reach for my heater after my shower, usually only with a towel on.

I tend to have dry and itchy skin in winter. Piggy bought me a moisturising cream named Body Drench this year and I found it to be very good. I have no itchy skin during winter this year as this cream is more water based, easy to apply and absorb by the skin. I have less itchy skin problem this year when compared to last year.

And early this week, I received a call from my ex colleague in JE to recommend me a job based in Shanghai. I do not know why but this is the second time a job offer came from a place that both piggy and i just visited together. My previous job offer came from my exisiting Hongkong company just shortly after Piggy and i visited Hongkong . Maybe i should ask piggy to go to New York with me next time, so that i can land a job there.

