
Mee Hun Kuay

I left my Shenzhen company for good and returned to my home 5 days ago, and i am trying to regulate my life style back to normal. I try to sleep at 10 or 11 pm , wake up at 7 am , go market with mum , carrying the groceries, help out with household chores such as laundry ( with hands ) and cooking. And today our assignment is mee hun kuay, i kneaded the mee hun ( flour dough) myself, it is quite easy , and mum did all the cooking. We were busy in the kitchen since morning till 11 am, she showed me her Yi Tian Jian ( Heaven Sword) that she has been hiding for her own use ( I said she is Mie Jue Shi Tai ) for me to chop the red onions . To be frank , i feel really blessed that i can walk with her on the way to and from market, it is a blessing from God above that my parents are healthy.

I discussed with my best friend on the new job in Shanghai last night, he said it is how much in dollars and cents that will make you leave your family for a job. I truly agree that no money can buy the family ties and my quality time with mum and siblings. It is truly a Maslow hierachy, if you have fulfilled the first need , you will go to the second need ... And it has come to a stage where at my age , i truly value my time with mum as i know she is ageing every day, and i should take my time to pamper her. However, i may not stay by her side for good as the global economy is changing such that i cannot now get a job easily in Singapore to provide for her. I have been coaxing her to go for a trip with me and her sisters, but i think she is truly a house wife now who only wants to stay in our house. I find that to be a pity as i may be going overseas for my next job if there is no other offer in Spore, but i think i cannot change her mind overnight as she has been living like a nun for years ( no meat no killing no fun ) .. haha...

Mum said that she used to eat this dish with her mum and family when she was young , i think she misses granny too. And I know why.

