

i have been reading blogs from AJ couples today; they seem to be more loving than me and Piggy. I am indeed not a very good lover i guess, after pak tor with Piggy for almost 6 years. But i think we are getting along well , from the honeymoon days we only thot about meeting up right after work every day when we were in the offices, till we became the Old Couple who care for each other and begin to plan for our future by house hunting, we certainly grow old and mature together. And the trust is building up for this 3.5 years when i am in China, and i have turned down so many suitors (Spore boys and China girls) when he is not around :-), and i believe he is well behaved when i am not in Singapore.

My mummy told me today after lunch, if a couple is too loving, one of them will depart earlier, that's why she and her parents live a longer life because the spouses fight everyday. I rolled my eyes and thought, that is very much like us, i always bully piggy and he's always trying hard to stage a revolution to snatch back the authority as President in our little world (but he usually fails in the end). I am a tiger disguised in cat fur, and he is a real silly pig under human skin, he will never able to overthrow me no matter how hard he tries. hehehehe... But deep down in my heart, i know he gives way to me not bcs i am fierce but only bcs he cares for me. it is good to know that couples that fight will live longer, altho there is a limit for the scale of the conflict , we only have small catfights.

I know that together we will go places , go through hardships, fights and make up, learn new things , one will depart before the other, but i am really at ease because i know we are so so lucky that we have each other.

I will be flying back tomorrow to SH , and serve my notice period. I will go for my tour in China or elsewhere, and after that i will be back to Spore and stay put with Piggy for good.

