I am planning for a trip with my mum and one with Mcdull.
Maybe taking my mum to a cruise than to another country is a better choice as she cannot walk for too long. Also, the view of the sea will serve as a break from her daily house chores.
My younger brother is dating a girl who is visiting our house almost everyday. Both my mum and i myself are very disturbed by her presence as she is behaving like a log that would not talk to any one except my younger brother. And instead of helping my mum she adds to my mum's workload by eating everyday at our place and dropping lots of hair on our floor. We are very new to living with girls as mummy is the only woman living in our family for the past 40 years , and she does not drop so many strands of hair on the floor. The behaviour of this girl is below average too as she is not socialising with us.
I really pity my mum as both of her daughter in laws (future daughter in law for my younger brother) is not close to her. Mdm Mcbing (Mcdull's mum )also said the same thing to me recently. After the marriage of their sons, they both lost the sons and did not get any daughter in return. But for the daughter in law's side , her mother did not lose the daughter and gain another son. Mum is telling me that she wants to live alone or just with me. I am upset about that as she had worked hard to bring up the boys and they just run into the lap of the other woman and the woman's family without considering the feeling of their ageing mother. The situation was reverse for the older generation of the Chinese society; my mother was bullied by her mother in law, but she now have to serve her daughter in laws although she is already in her 70s.
What is wrong with the people nowadays? I hope they will understand how the husband's mother must have felt when their own son gets married next time. It is Karma.
Back to home for good

I returned to Singapore on 11 Dec and was under the hot tropical sun once again. It feels great to eat everything i want to eat and speak in Singlish, watch the local TV and breath the fresh air.
Finally i am back for good after almost 4 years in China - enough.
On the first day of my arrival in Singapore, i was exhausted and weak from poor health and the long distance flight. I met Piggy and he gave me a present - his flu. I was infected by him and started to have running nose on the second day (I got cured quickly after i went back to my home town).
Piggy also brought me to a Chinese sinseh on the second day. He is real good for the stubborn abdominal pain that i have been sufferring for the last few months in China. After seeking treatement from 3 different docs in Msia/Spore/SHG, i did not expect the sinseh to be able to cure me with such an instant effect. Instead of gall bladder inflammation/gallstones or stomach inflammation that i have been diagnosed with by other docs , the sinseh said it is because my liver was attacked by the cold. I do not doubt him but i am not sure how he can link this to my liver as i do not have liver problem before and i have not been drinking after I started to develop gastric pain 2 years ago. After taking medicine for just 2 days , the lingering sharp pain is gone, and i am just so happy that i do not need to worry that i am having stomach ulcer or some other diseases that is too horrible for me to think of. This should put a stop to the medical expenses that i have been spending for the same problem (the stomach pain). A good Chinese sinseh is amazing. My money and time is really wasted on those useless doctors that i have consulted before him.
After spending 3 days with Piggy in Spore , i went back to my home town. My mom was smiling and welcoming me at the gate of the house. It was really a great feeling.
I have been reading the papers, eating , doing some simple house chores the last few days. I am regaining my health slowly from the negative effects of the cold and harsh weather of SHG, such as dry skin/bleeding nose/ aching joints/poor sleep and unable to wake up in the morning. They are all gone now. I am eating and sleeping well and my goal is to get back to good health before I start my next job and go on my next trip with piggy.
The Copenhagen Summit - Sigh...
To my disappointment , the Copenhagen Climate Summit on 18 Dec 2009 ended with a shameful closing. The ugly sides of so called developed countries are exposed in front of the whole world, a bunch of kids in the summit decide the fate of mankind in the coming century. Obama is nothing but a sweet tounged speaker, i wonder why he was given the Nobel Peace Award.
I hope the next species that rule the earth after the destruction of mankind due to global warming will use 'homo sapiens' fossils as a lesson to teach their next generation, a very selfish and stupid species that got themselves into extinction for their childish behavior in Copenhagen.
I am glad that being single myself, i do not need to bring my kids to this world and tell them the world is going to turn into real hell soon before they die.
I hope the next species that rule the earth after the destruction of mankind due to global warming will use 'homo sapiens' fossils as a lesson to teach their next generation, a very selfish and stupid species that got themselves into extinction for their childish behavior in Copenhagen.
I am glad that being single myself, i do not need to bring my kids to this world and tell them the world is going to turn into real hell soon before they die.
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