I returned to Singapore on 11 Dec and was under the hot tropical sun once again. It feels great to eat everything i want to eat and speak in Singlish, watch the local TV and breath the fresh air.
Finally i am back for good after almost 4 years in China - enough.
On the first day of my arrival in Singapore, i was exhausted and weak from poor health and the long distance flight. I met Piggy and he gave me a present - his flu. I was infected by him and started to have running nose on the second day (I got cured quickly after i went back to my home town).
Piggy also brought me to a Chinese sinseh on the second day. He is real good for the stubborn abdominal pain that i have been sufferring for the last few months in China. After seeking treatement from 3 different docs in Msia/Spore/SHG, i did not expect the sinseh to be able to cure me with such an instant effect. Instead of gall bladder inflammation/gallstones or stomach inflammation that i have been diagnosed with by other docs , the sinseh said it is because my liver was attacked by the cold. I do not doubt him but i am not sure how he can link this to my liver as i do not have liver problem before and i have not been drinking after I started to develop gastric pain 2 years ago. After taking medicine for just 2 days , the lingering sharp pain is gone, and i am just so happy that i do not need to worry that i am having stomach ulcer or some other diseases that is too horrible for me to think of. This should put a stop to the medical expenses that i have been spending for the same problem (the stomach pain). A good Chinese sinseh is amazing. My money and time is really wasted on those useless doctors that i have consulted before him.
After spending 3 days with Piggy in Spore , i went back to my home town. My mom was smiling and welcoming me at the gate of the house. It was really a great feeling.
I have been reading the papers, eating , doing some simple house chores the last few days. I am regaining my health slowly from the negative effects of the cold and harsh weather of SHG, such as dry skin/bleeding nose/ aching joints/poor sleep and unable to wake up in the morning. They are all gone now. I am eating and sleeping well and my goal is to get back to good health before I start my next job and go on my next trip with piggy.