每次和肥麦兜在一起, 我都喜欢捉弄他,他也拿我没辄。
1. 搓他圆圆的肚腩,这个他喜欢
2. 堆个猪鼻子, 超搞笑
3. 捏耳朵
4. 拉他的双下巴,他就会骂
5. 堆高他的头发,绑个发髻
6. 骗他所有他不懂的事, 还真多
7. 用如来神掌打他的背, 怪不得他不敢走在我面前,总是使出凌波微步,走路之字形
8. 咬他的手臂, 好好食。
9. 用胡渣搔他的痒,
10.抱他, 这不是坏事, 但再也想不到一件坏事了。 嘻嘻。。。
终于在星期五晚上买了第一个iphone,麦兜高兴极了。 他一直都想让我把手机换掉, 好让他能用上新手机。 嘻嘻, 猪算不如人算, 我的配套有上网服务,所以手机就不让给他,他只好气呼呼说周一他就去买个iphone来玩。
虽然如此,周六的下午麦兜就一直玩iphone里的麻将游戏,他和手机的温度经过一整个下午,一起飙高。 我就趁他去泳池降体温时把手机上锁, 不让他玩到发烧。
随便煎了条味曾蜂蜜腌三文鱼,配着墨西哥芝士番茄taco, 蘑菇汤, 一起吃了顿简单的晚餐。 饭后,又一起窝在电视机前看 The Good Wife, 我们都爱看女主角和对手斗口才智慧。晚上,又抱着发烫的猪肉, 呼呼入睡。
周日一早, 我们在咖啡店胡乱吃了椰槳饭和隆冬,急急忙忙赶去公园作老人操。
日子过的风平浪静,心里也平静, 人到中年,自然不惑。
(虽然对麦兜来说这世界本身就是个迷,他只能唱着霍元甲的 :惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!)
虽然如此,周六的下午麦兜就一直玩iphone里的麻将游戏,他和手机的温度经过一整个下午,一起飙高。 我就趁他去泳池降体温时把手机上锁, 不让他玩到发烧。
随便煎了条味曾蜂蜜腌三文鱼,配着墨西哥芝士番茄taco, 蘑菇汤, 一起吃了顿简单的晚餐。 饭后,又一起窝在电视机前看 The Good Wife, 我们都爱看女主角和对手斗口才智慧。晚上,又抱着发烫的猪肉, 呼呼入睡。
周日一早, 我们在咖啡店胡乱吃了椰槳饭和隆冬,急急忙忙赶去公园作老人操。
日子过的风平浪静,心里也平静, 人到中年,自然不惑。
(虽然对麦兜来说这世界本身就是个迷,他只能唱着霍元甲的 :惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!惑!)
Turkey Day 3_ 11 Oct 2011
Early in the morning at 630am, while Porky was trying to lock his luggage, he realised that he cannot lock it at all. We have tried for quite some time to lock the luggage before we gave up and rushed to our buffet breakfast, as we were going to leave the hotel that morning and we could not go without eating. After eating my breakfast i rushed back to the hotel room ( while the Porky Pig was still eating and "socialising" ) and tried to get hold of our tour guide, who came out with the idea to get a masking tape to tape the luggage. Well it worked, so we used masking tape to tape Porky s luggage and checking in to our bus. It looked funny, but that was the best thing we could do. The incident has invited unwanted attention from a "Gooseberry", and Porky began to chat him warmly on the bus out of "Courtesy".
Then we headed to a leather jacket factory, which the selling price was astonishingly high, a lambskin jacket can cost about 700 Euro, no way we were going to buy it. That s when Porky began his sweet time with the Gooseberry, i began to feel neglected although i was told this is a Honeymoon trip in the beginning.
After the factory visit, we headed to Selcuk, for St Mary s House and Ephesus ancient city, one of the largest archaeological site, whoever reads bible will know this city.
We went to a restaurant for a late lunch and i ate a lot of figs. Fresh and sweet figs of Mediterranean. During stopover, we have also tasted Turkish Pizza with charcoal oven, taste heavenly good.
That night we have reached Lycus River Hotel (the best hotel throughout our Turkey journey) at Pamukkale, in the hotel room i found out that Porky has misplaced some hooks on his luggage and causing the malfunction of lock before our dinner. He just sabotaged himself, not very smart.
We have spent some time enjoyed at the hot thermal pools , where Porky got to spend more hours with his Gooseberry again. My misery continued. :-(
Scenery along the road

Unknown plants all over the wall

St Mary s house on a mountain near Ephesus : Baptist Pool, St John ( of 12 Apostles ) was believe to perform Baptism here for believers

St Mary s house from exterior.

St Mary s house : Wishing wall.

St Mary s house : a view from a public toilet.

Ephesus : Library , was believed the best during Greek Civilisation

Ephesus : Theatre

Ephesus : Walkway to the seaport

Ephesus : Empty coffins left by tomb raiders

Ephesus : Public toilet where senators worked on issues

Along the way : nice juicy peaches and figs

Our late lunch

A Turkish pizza oven

Scenery along the road

Then we headed to a leather jacket factory, which the selling price was astonishingly high, a lambskin jacket can cost about 700 Euro, no way we were going to buy it. That s when Porky began his sweet time with the Gooseberry, i began to feel neglected although i was told this is a Honeymoon trip in the beginning.
After the factory visit, we headed to Selcuk, for St Mary s House and Ephesus ancient city, one of the largest archaeological site, whoever reads bible will know this city.
We went to a restaurant for a late lunch and i ate a lot of figs. Fresh and sweet figs of Mediterranean. During stopover, we have also tasted Turkish Pizza with charcoal oven, taste heavenly good.
That night we have reached Lycus River Hotel (the best hotel throughout our Turkey journey) at Pamukkale, in the hotel room i found out that Porky has misplaced some hooks on his luggage and causing the malfunction of lock before our dinner. He just sabotaged himself, not very smart.
We have spent some time enjoyed at the hot thermal pools , where Porky got to spend more hours with his Gooseberry again. My misery continued. :-(
Scenery along the road
Unknown plants all over the wall
St Mary s house on a mountain near Ephesus : Baptist Pool, St John ( of 12 Apostles ) was believe to perform Baptism here for believers
St Mary s house from exterior.
St Mary s house : Wishing wall.
St Mary s house : a view from a public toilet.
Ephesus : Library , was believed the best during Greek Civilisation
Ephesus : Theatre
Ephesus : Walkway to the seaport
Ephesus : Empty coffins left by tomb raiders
Ephesus : Public toilet where senators worked on issues
Along the way : nice juicy peaches and figs
Our late lunch
A Turkish pizza oven
Scenery along the road
One Dish Wonder Part 2
Porky just said to me this morning, he is getting bored of the Taco Wrap breakfast i have prepared today, this is only the second time we are eating this as breakfast as i am trying to clear my old Taco. He was making remarks such as i have only added some pasta sauce to it on top of the minced ham/chesse/cucumber, and that is not good enough for his appetite. Look at what he blogged last week.
It is the effort to prepare something for your loved one that counts, no matter it is good enough for gourmet or not, the preparation and cleaning part is tiring enough, be sensitive and grateful. But for Porky i have received alot of critisms, such as making coffee by using filters for him on Saturday, the only reply i had in return is not a "Thank you" but "why it is not warm", and yes it was not warm bcs I have added too much cold milk from fridge for His Majesty. He has ever told me that the reason why he said these is bcs he WANTS me to improve. I rolled my eyes and thought who is the less talented cook here in the house,and since when i have entered the Monster Chef Competition ? I might hit him with the coffee pot one day if he does not control his "Royal" behavior.
I have learnt one thing from my mum, no matter what she cooks, i will say to her : "It just tastes right ! I love your cooking, mum.", that makes her smile like a little girl. She is not asking for much, just to see her loved one enjoyed her cooking, thats all. So i will just eat and shut up even if sometimes she missed it, it is home cooked meal and not 5 star hotel cuisine. Frankly speaking, home cooked meals is more precious than 5 star hotel cuisine bcs it is not something that money can buy.
It is the effort to prepare something for your loved one that counts, no matter it is good enough for gourmet or not, the preparation and cleaning part is tiring enough, be sensitive and grateful. But for Porky i have received alot of critisms, such as making coffee by using filters for him on Saturday, the only reply i had in return is not a "Thank you" but "why it is not warm", and yes it was not warm bcs I have added too much cold milk from fridge for His Majesty. He has ever told me that the reason why he said these is bcs he WANTS me to improve. I rolled my eyes and thought who is the less talented cook here in the house,and since when i have entered the Monster Chef Competition ? I might hit him with the coffee pot one day if he does not control his "Royal" behavior.
I have learnt one thing from my mum, no matter what she cooks, i will say to her : "It just tastes right ! I love your cooking, mum.", that makes her smile like a little girl. She is not asking for much, just to see her loved one enjoyed her cooking, thats all. So i will just eat and shut up even if sometimes she missed it, it is home cooked meal and not 5 star hotel cuisine. Frankly speaking, home cooked meals is more precious than 5 star hotel cuisine bcs it is not something that money can buy.
Darby served me a pan broiled wrap stuffed with cheese, honey baked ham and oh so crunchy Japanese cucumber this morning for breakfast. I have never tasted a wrap as yummy as that before and jokingly turned to Darby and called him a One Dish Wonder.
That was said in jest of course.
The truth is Darby has metamorphosised into the Chef to Watch in the next millennium since we bought our apartment west of Singapore. I have had the good fortune of tasting a number of his creations over the last one and a half years. They were mostly good hearty fare which fed our stomachs and satisfied our souls. Darby loves to cook (for me, I believe) and I am happy to eat.
He likened the whole process to feeding a pig - that, I THINK he said in jest of course :-)
That was said in jest of course.
The truth is Darby has metamorphosised into the Chef to Watch in the next millennium since we bought our apartment west of Singapore. I have had the good fortune of tasting a number of his creations over the last one and a half years. They were mostly good hearty fare which fed our stomachs and satisfied our souls. Darby loves to cook (for me, I believe) and I am happy to eat.
He likened the whole process to feeding a pig - that, I THINK he said in jest of course :-)
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