Many good things and bad things happened in Y2011, i am glad that i have Porky by my side through out my roller coaster ride in this year.
First half of the year, I quited my first company ( a place for retirees ) and joined a second firm by mistake. This second firm has very high turnover rate and i am the third person on the board within a yr. In a very short period of time, I began to feel something is wrong with the management and made up my mind to leave. After a fury clash with my immediate sup, whom i cannot agree with all along, i decided to call it a day. I left and not turning my head back, i decided to take such a drastic action because of my past experience with the previous company, if it does not suit you, do not waste time on it.
After the resignation and clash, i was mentally and physically damaged, it was so bad that i have depression, Porky helped me to move on by taking good care of my health and job hunting patiently. With better health after a few weeks, i suggested we should go for a trip, and just right before our trip, i received an offer from a company , i was overjoyed and grateful for the sheer good luck. My mind was totally switched off from the unpleasant experience throughout the trip and Porky was a good companion.
After starting in the third firm, which i have worked happily with my boss and colleagues till today, i have lots of job satisfaction and recognitions from my colleagues / superior. I was even promised to have a chance to visit Headquarter in Europe next year, although it is not top on my wish list. I know if i am doing my parts, rewards will come.
For me, it is like you had a very bad fall, and found yourself landed on a gold mine. A door is closed, and another bigger door is opened. Life, is full of possiblities and hope at the same time.
My favorite drama series
Subscribed to Hubtv and i get to watch some great drama series from US.
No. 1 The Good Wife
Top on my list which is also porky s favorite, we spent 2 hours every saturday nite watching Alicia and legal partners from Lockhart Gardner Firm fighting hard in court, in their life. I began to root for her after first few episodes, i like her tough on outside, gentle inside character.

No.2 The Big C
Cancer is too heavy a subject to swallow, but i cannot help laugh and cry with her, Cathy.

No. 1 The Good Wife
Top on my list which is also porky s favorite, we spent 2 hours every saturday nite watching Alicia and legal partners from Lockhart Gardner Firm fighting hard in court, in their life. I began to root for her after first few episodes, i like her tough on outside, gentle inside character.

No.2 The Big C
Cancer is too heavy a subject to swallow, but i cannot help laugh and cry with her, Cathy.

因为周六是平安夜,胖猪被我押着下厨,要他不要再吹牛说自己多会煮菜。材料和食谱都由我决定和买好了, 胖猪只好硬着头皮上阵。心虚的胖猪从五点到七点都在厨房切切煮煮, 生怕砸了自己的招牌。到了七点, 平安夜大餐终于好了。 我一看, 排骨萝卜汤, 清炒豆苗,娘惹咖哩鸡,不错不错, 虽然手忙脚乱, 却也完成任务。 以后我可以不用亲自下厨了。

饭后,清理了餐具和厨房,电视播着傻大姐Cameron Diaz和影后级Kate Winslet 演的 The Holiday,先 吃着Royce的巧克力,接着又来杯红酒。 窗外滂沱大雨,我们就互相依偎窝在沙发上叹世界,享受人生。
平安夜,偷得浮生半日闲, 夫复何求。
第二天一早, 胖猪大清早就有事先出门,我就心血来潮烘了两片墨西哥饼做pizza,依旧放了日本矮瓜,意大利面酱,芝士。虽然好吃,但没有胖猪,味道就是不一样。

饭后,清理了餐具和厨房,电视播着傻大姐Cameron Diaz和影后级Kate Winslet 演的 The Holiday,先 吃着Royce的巧克力,接着又来杯红酒。 窗外滂沱大雨,我们就互相依偎窝在沙发上叹世界,享受人生。
平安夜,偷得浮生半日闲, 夫复何求。
第二天一早, 胖猪大清早就有事先出门,我就心血来潮烘了两片墨西哥饼做pizza,依旧放了日本矮瓜,意大利面酱,芝士。虽然好吃,但没有胖猪,味道就是不一样。
我们通常一早十点就过关卡, 这次迟了一个钟头,关卡又刚好大塞车, 到新山时已经快下午一点。 我们快快的截了辆德士赶到了开张不久的 KSL city, 胖猪和我就在附近亚华粿条吃了顿满意的午餐,我们都点了五令吉的粿条, 一碗白果腐竹, 一盘南瓜糕, 共17令吉。吃饱喝足之后我们就直往戏院冲去,看了两个钟头的 TWILIGHT, 剧情有些烂但是戏票比较在新加坡便宜就算了。
从戏院出来, 我们就开始购物,贪吃的胖猪就狂买手信,我就买了件Gap的long sleeve shirt(45令吉,在新加坡肯定不止这个价码) 和两件Polo T(69令吉)。到晚餐就去世华肉骨茶吃了一碗猪肚汤和肉骨茶(各九令吉)。这次我们都没买到想买的皮鞋(因为我们的皮鞋刚好都坏了), 所以只好看接下来圣诞减价能不能搞定。 晚餐后我们都赶回新加坡,疲倦的动物们都归巢。
这次的半日游很不过瘾,因为大塞车,没唱到K (胖猪还想和我飙歌看谁厉害),没买到鞋, 购物的物价也不算便宜, 不过也算了因为花费总共也不多,比起搭飞机出国还是划算多了(单机票就远远超过我们一天的花费)。不过看来以后要购物也真不必考虑新山, 物价真的不会便宜过新加坡很多,看戏和唱K倒不妨。
我们通常一早十点就过关卡, 这次迟了一个钟头,关卡又刚好大塞车, 到新山时已经快下午一点。 我们快快的截了辆德士赶到了开张不久的 KSL city, 胖猪和我就在附近亚华粿条吃了顿满意的午餐,我们都点了五令吉的粿条, 一碗白果腐竹, 一盘南瓜糕, 共17令吉。吃饱喝足之后我们就直往戏院冲去,看了两个钟头的 TWILIGHT, 剧情有些烂但是戏票比较在新加坡便宜就算了。
从戏院出来, 我们就开始购物,贪吃的胖猪就狂买手信,我就买了件Gap的long sleeve shirt(45令吉,在新加坡肯定不止这个价码) 和两件Polo T(69令吉)。到晚餐就去世华肉骨茶吃了一碗猪肚汤和肉骨茶(各九令吉)。这次我们都没买到想买的皮鞋(因为我们的皮鞋刚好都坏了), 所以只好看接下来圣诞减价能不能搞定。 晚餐后我们都赶回新加坡,疲倦的动物们都归巢。
这次的半日游很不过瘾,因为大塞车,没唱到K (胖猪还想和我飙歌看谁厉害),没买到鞋, 购物的物价也不算便宜, 不过也算了因为花费总共也不多,比起搭飞机出国还是划算多了(单机票就远远超过我们一天的花费)。不过看来以后要购物也真不必考虑新山, 物价真的不会便宜过新加坡很多,看戏和唱K倒不妨。
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