Without wasting much time , i completed my task to shop for the list i have jotted down below.
1. Watch (tick)
2. business shirt (tick)
3. suitcase (tick)
All done within a day within budget and i bought some household items too , chopstick and pot gloves.
I have received calls from recruiters , which is seeking the candidates with experience in customer quality, that is what i have been doing since graduation. I checked out the hiring party and does not seems attractive for me to give up the offer in my hand, although the recruiter said they sent a few resume and the hiring company has only chosen my portfolio. And they asked me to go for interview yesterday urgently as they know i have an offer on hand already. It s quite ironic, when Li Peh (your daddy in Hokkien) is seeking job for high and lo until sufferred from depression , there is no respond from the whole universe. After Li Peh finally received an offer already then here comes the right job offer. The time is not right. Sigh...
Mothers day is coming, and i need to do something about it.
One step a footprint Taiwan
Watching the tv program "One step a footprint Taiwan" yesterday and heard a enlightening statement , a professor in government bureau for over 30 yrs gave up her high pay and luxury life in Taipei and moved to Southern Taiwan to start her social work. She picked up the responsiblity like Mother Theresa and received many cold shoulders from others. A drastic change in her life but she already prepared for it , she said : I want a different life style , so i have to accept many differences in this life style. Indeed , she wanted a different life style , means many things will be different in her life , eg you will no longer able to eat at posh restaurants/ buy Prada or Gucci bags / go to spa / etc.
This is particularly enlightening to me. I want a different life style , that is why i flied back from SH and bought our love nest ,i started my job hunting and the job is leading me to a different path. I am expecting and preparing myself for a different path, knowing that things will be difficult for me as the job scope is not what i am familiar with. The changes are :
a. I got a life partner to share sweet and bitter experience with, everyday. We even have our space now.
b. I got lower income , tougher job.
c. I get to see my friends and family more. Not just twice a year.
d. I am definitely healthier than before. My body is used to tropical weather.
Who is not facing difficulties in his/ her life everyday ? So i can see my life s changing , good to bad or bad to good, give and take. I am just glad that i did not lose too much and gain alot.
This is particularly enlightening to me. I want a different life style , that is why i flied back from SH and bought our love nest ,i started my job hunting and the job is leading me to a different path. I am expecting and preparing myself for a different path, knowing that things will be difficult for me as the job scope is not what i am familiar with. The changes are :
a. I got a life partner to share sweet and bitter experience with, everyday. We even have our space now.
b. I got lower income , tougher job.
c. I get to see my friends and family more. Not just twice a year.
d. I am definitely healthier than before. My body is used to tropical weather.
Who is not facing difficulties in his/ her life everyday ? So i can see my life s changing , good to bad or bad to good, give and take. I am just glad that i did not lose too much and gain alot.
Mcdull and Darby Q and A
Mcdull : Do you know which country was practising Apartheid system ??
Darby : You make a guess and i will tell you the answer
Mcdull : England
Darby shake his head
Mcdull :A South America country
Darby shake his head
Mcdull : x&&%##^*(%.. ( A country s name )
Darby shake his head
Mcdull : x&&%##^*(%.. ( A country s name )
Darby felt like banging his head onto the table like last time Mcdull ordered Fishball Noodles.
Mcdull : South Africa
Darby : Phew......
Mcdull : I knew it , i watched the movie by Matt Demon about this country
Darby in his mind : Hehe(Evil grins).. if so what is taking you so long to answer it correctly..
Darby : You make a guess and i will tell you the answer
Mcdull : England
Darby shake his head
Mcdull :A South America country
Darby shake his head
Mcdull : x&&%##^*(%.. ( A country s name )
Darby shake his head
Mcdull : x&&%##^*(%.. ( A country s name )
Darby felt like banging his head onto the table like last time Mcdull ordered Fishball Noodles.
Mcdull : South Africa
Darby : Phew......
Mcdull : I knew it , i watched the movie by Matt Demon about this country
Darby in his mind : Hehe(Evil grins).. if so what is taking you so long to answer it correctly..
Closed the deal
Finally after 3 months and 17 days i received the first letter of offer. I am not very happy with the salary itself but the career path planning from this company is rather attractive and with products from a niche market. I am lucky i guess. A switch of career without planning to switch. My new jobscope is totally different from my past experience, come to think of it , it is quite scary for me as i would need to transform myself totally as a person. I need to change to survive, i mean i am not selling my body (nobody want to buy either) but the nature of the job is totally different required a more outgoing personality which is not quite myself.
Immediately without waste a second i decided to celebrate it with some shopping spree, here comes the pink dollars. I have been controlling myself from spending on unnecessary stuffs and now it is the pay back time.
A list of items i need to replenish :
1. Watch (Not wearing any watch now)
2. Suitcase (Bought 3 years ago in HK and worn off now )
3. Business shirts (those that in my wardrobe now are bought about 5 years ago before i went to China, and they really look outdated now)
4. Netbook ( the existing one is not stable now , after all i bought it 4 years ago )
These are what i can think of now. I am going to reward myself and piggy a bit over the weekend. After all besides my best friend Alien / my family/ some ex colleagues, he is the one who gave me the biggest supports financially and morally, has been tolerating my mood swing due to depression. Even till yesterday , i just lost my temper and raised my voice at him due to the job offer issues like volcano in Iceland, but i am not actually mad at him. I just cannot help it as i felt so exploited and angry at that moment. I do feel bad and here is what i want to say to you : Sorry Piggy, I love you.
Samsoon is not back from laundry yet as the laundry guy lost her pink heart shape necklace, they are looking for her replacement.
Hope for a better future for us in this year, For me and my loved ones.
Immediately without waste a second i decided to celebrate it with some shopping spree, here comes the pink dollars. I have been controlling myself from spending on unnecessary stuffs and now it is the pay back time.
A list of items i need to replenish :
1. Watch (Not wearing any watch now)
2. Suitcase (Bought 3 years ago in HK and worn off now )
3. Business shirts (those that in my wardrobe now are bought about 5 years ago before i went to China, and they really look outdated now)
4. Netbook ( the existing one is not stable now , after all i bought it 4 years ago )
These are what i can think of now. I am going to reward myself and piggy a bit over the weekend. After all besides my best friend Alien / my family/ some ex colleagues, he is the one who gave me the biggest supports financially and morally, has been tolerating my mood swing due to depression. Even till yesterday , i just lost my temper and raised my voice at him due to the job offer issues like volcano in Iceland, but i am not actually mad at him. I just cannot help it as i felt so exploited and angry at that moment. I do feel bad and here is what i want to say to you : Sorry Piggy, I love you.
Samsoon is not back from laundry yet as the laundry guy lost her pink heart shape necklace, they are looking for her replacement.
Hope for a better future for us in this year, For me and my loved ones.
Samsoon goes to laundry
Sent Samsoon for laundry today. A wash much needed since Y2007 when i brought her back from China as a gift to Porky . She has turned into grey color when i met her this year on Porky s mattress. Sigh... Dun know what did Porky do to her on those stormy nights in tropical...
She is actually a momento for both of us, after watching a Korean Drama , My name is Kim Sam Soon. We spent many saturday afternoons in Porky s old house many years ago, watching this Korean Drama series together, Samsoon Pig is like a mascot for the drama series. She looks ultra sissy with pink ribbon on her head and heart shape necklace, but her smily eyes , big tummy , short trotters just looks oh so cute to me from every angle. I remembered Porky said yes without hesitation when i said i wanted to buy Samsoon as a gift to him , which is something rarely happen as he usually do not want me to spend on him. This shows that Porky also like Samsoon alot.
Till now , she is still very important to us as a part of our memories, never fail to make us smile just by sitting on the sofa. And to shorten our separation from her during the laundry service, we have checked with a few laundry services to ensure she is not away from us for too long. This time it is 8 days, and i hope she come back asap and safe, since we have never let her leave our place for years.
She is actually a momento for both of us, after watching a Korean Drama , My name is Kim Sam Soon. We spent many saturday afternoons in Porky s old house many years ago, watching this Korean Drama series together, Samsoon Pig is like a mascot for the drama series. She looks ultra sissy with pink ribbon on her head and heart shape necklace, but her smily eyes , big tummy , short trotters just looks oh so cute to me from every angle. I remembered Porky said yes without hesitation when i said i wanted to buy Samsoon as a gift to him , which is something rarely happen as he usually do not want me to spend on him. This shows that Porky also like Samsoon alot.
Till now , she is still very important to us as a part of our memories, never fail to make us smile just by sitting on the sofa. And to shorten our separation from her during the laundry service, we have checked with a few laundry services to ensure she is not away from us for too long. This time it is 8 days, and i hope she come back asap and safe, since we have never let her leave our place for years.
First meal cooked
Porky cooked the first meal for us , pasta with carrots and brocolli. It was really good and tasty. I gave him 9 out of 10 for a first timer.

And we moved samsoon to our new place. She is happy i guess to be able to do all the things pig likes to do.

The PCK company rejected me. :-( goodness..
And we moved samsoon to our new place. She is happy i guess to be able to do all the things pig likes to do.
The PCK company rejected me. :-( goodness..
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