We read about heroes from time to time - real life people whose acts of greatness inspire the soul. Awesome though they may be, they don't affect my life so intimately the way my mama does. To me, she is my one and only heroine in this life.
Like all the good mama-s in this world, she embodies selfless love, commitment and sacrifice for her children. I am convinced both my brother and I will be poorer without her. She was both the disciplinarian and the comforter and took care of our everyday needs for years (and still is, in my case) with nary a complaint.
I don't believe I can ever repay all that she had done for me. If my mama and I were both reincarnated in our next lives, I hope I can be her benefactor, the way she is to me now.
Till that happens, I will be sure to buy her a good meal this coming Mother's day on Sunday. No, it won't be any turkey (as in the image). More like sharksfin and crabs, which are her favourites.
I wish her good health and happiness - every single day.