
In the mood for love

I was thinking that it is strange that no one has posted anything abt movie since we started this blog cause we both love movies alot, not very much the same genre i guess, but basically good movies. I like movies with great music /cinematography/ sceneries / actors and director. A movie script might be simple but a good director can turn it into a masterpiece. i can divide them into 2 categories , they are very different : Asian and Western.

First let's talk abt Asian or Chinese films :
Wong Kar Wai takes the no 1 seat. In the mood for love / Happy together / Chungking Express ( i have been to Chungking guesthouse, just to change money ) / The Days Of Being Wild. Great actors , terrific music is always chosen with very sophisticated taste , always my must watch movies. Wong KW is like a rock star as a director, as his movie is always full of trance / grunge feeling..

Lee Ang, a very meticulous director ( like a classical musician ) who makes fine movies like red wine. Personally my fav is BBM / Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon . Both are very different but really great movies. Music is not particularly catchy but acceptable.

And Zhang Yimou , for his earlier movie, The story of my father and mother , by Zhang Ziyi. it is so so China that it cannot be made by someone else. He is more like a folk song artist to me, which explains why he is never good at making big budget movies ( or i never like them ) , but he is very good at telling stories of common people.

Piggy and i used to go for movies during weekends , i just stopped doing that since i left Spore. I feel quite lazy to go for a movie alone now unless it s a movie i must watch .I think it is the same for piggy.

1 条评论:

alanskyeo 说...

u should write about ur favourite actor or actress as well. eg. Maggie cheong, Tony Leong etc..