
My first baby step to love

Growing up, I have wished for romantic love - a firm grasp of the hands, a tight hug of the bodies, and a meeting of the lips.

I met darby at a time when I wasn't seeking a partner. I don't think he was either. He called me a day after we first met and asked if I could join him for a new year eve countdown in town. I declined but we agreed to meet again. Then came the second meet up in his house where I stayed over and we had a long chat and loads of fun throughout the night. I can't be quite sure now if we watched the movie "Love Actually" the very next morning. What I do recall is hearing his laughter and finding myself quite amused by it. His laughter was easily one of the loudest and most distinctive in that cinema hall. I also remember darby grasping my left hand with his right hand in the middle of the movie, in a gentle but firm manner. I responded by closing my fingers around his. That was a moment which I will remember throughout this life as it's the first time I have my hands held in an affectionate way by a guy. During that moment,I felt as if a love story (darby and mine) was unfolding in the cinema, other than the love stories unfolding on the screen.

I think that movie was a catalyst for our relationship. We began to meet more frequently and talked more often on the phone and soon became good friends.

