
4 March 2010 _ Our dream home came true.

Holding the keys for our new place and opened the door, Porky and I were thrilled. FInally we got our own home, a home. We reached the place at 10 am morning to do our first inspection, we were glad to find out the ex owner did a clean and nice job for handover, the house is in good condition. We spent the first hours to do inspection for each room for things that we need to touch up and repair. Then the contractor came and we did our discussion on the details of renovation , which mainly are paintwork and flooring repolish, plus a work station in study.
Then the contractor s car was clamped due to her carelessness of not obeying the security advice, we paid for her and let the security unclamped the wheel. That costs us 107 SGD.
We then went for our lunch, and back to our place for a rest. Sitting on the floor, leaned against the wall of the living room, the view from Nature Park and blue sky just so so beautiful. A quiet moment with Piggy.
After the short break we went for a swim at the pool and shower before we locked the door and left the place at 6 pm.

