
Enuff of extra marital affairs of celebrity reporting

Whenever there is a scandal of celebrities reported by the papers , they will use at least 2 weeks headlines to follow up with the scandal for 3 to 4 pages everyday . It is just make us feel fatigue to read the same storm in a tea cup everyday.

The contents will be
1. The "juicy" parts ( to paparazzi and ppl are busybody )from the scandal itself.
To me , i have paid 90 cents for my newspaper , all i get in return is a piece of junk.

2. the unwanted public opinion ( who cares about what Ah Beng and Ah Liang think about the scandal). I am not a Christian , but Jesus said once, "Who has no sin may throw the stone at the woman ( a whore )" . Chinese also has one famous clause : There is no man without err. It just that you did not get to wash your dirty linen in front of public, so stop acting like a holy man to condemn others. And stop making life more difficult for Mdm Irene Kng and their children.

I am surprised that the Romanian Embassador hit and run case is not getting much attention than the Jack Neo case. It is sickening to hit and run , it is even more sickening to lie about the crime committed as an Embassador, but our attention has been diverted to the wrong channel, as there is no noise heard from the public on this.

3. some so called specialist advice ( do not know where they are from as no one heard of them before the scandal )

When have the ppl and the media become so perverted to have the habit of daily feast on scandal? There are more serious things in life you should vent your angst and energy to.

