1. Alien

He is the first kaki that i came to befriend in my all boys secondary school, after my transfer from a notorious co ed secondary school. Slowly, we found out more about each other. I realised that Alien is a very sceptical person (a real virgo but not virgin anymore) towards everything in this Universe. He will poke into and make fun of the reality and add salt to the wound on certain issues, but you cannot deny that his points are very realistic at the same time. And who taught him this method of thinking at a young age ( a secondary school boy ) - I was truly amazed! And his cold blooded words would hit the bull's eye without compassion at the same time. If you have watched the Devil Wears Prada , he is the perfect male actor for the role that Meryl Streep played in the movie. Born with a sharp tongue, it is strange that he seldoms or actually never hurts any of his friends with his born capability but more on life and politics.
There is another side to him which is very sentimental, making him someone who has a severe split personality. He is the one who would buy books and read them, appreciates good films, good music and of course with a liking for wines too. A very realistic person who, at the same time, will bother to appreciate good arts.
Alien is always a leader among my good friends. He takes on this responsiblity of rounding us up for a gathering whenever there is a chance. It is not an easy and in fact an unappreciated task. I myself do not think anyone else among us friends who is capable of doing this better than him.
2. Merino

A saggitarius, always messy and crazy , he partied and partied for years since his teenage years. We need to have his presence to have fun , as he is capable of cracking silly jokes and it s really silly believe me. He is born with an optimistic character and spreads laughters, behaving like a clown. But he has very good IQ and EQ, trying to masquerade his true self ( silly or smart? we do not really know as he is never serious . He is the naughty one who will make fun of the teachers, calling them names and imitate their acts during every lunch break. Although he is in mid 30 s now , we still find him unsettled sometimes.
He has a capablity of mixing around, making friends , and sometimes we find it very fishy with his new girl, friend? lover? friend? lover? But no one can deny that he has very good PR skills and is able to talk until cow comes home. And i think he is the high achiever among us.
3. Fatty

An aquarius, he is a very timid and talkative person , ultra sensitive 6 senses (not ghost ok ) towards the surroundings. Like FBI agents , he is able to detect small changes within a radius of 50 KM and take necessary actions to avoid troubles. We find him a excellent candidate for paparazzi, as he got the qualities that the job needs, but with a timid character, he will not dare to chase the celebrities and persecute them.
Also very auntie at the same time , he is a great diplomat who like to chit chat non stop and gossip about others. If he bothers to set up his antenna, he has the most information everytime during the gathering. Being a great diplomat also means he never confronts others if there is anything that irritates him.
Great at cooking (previously a chef at a Spore 5 stars hotel ) , zero tolerance towards dust, knowledgable in electrical appliances, he will be a good house husband. We hope he will get married soon.
4. Nun

OK , he is a monk. We just make fun of him as he is a very devoted buddhist. There is a very easy going air about him, it is almost like he has attained nirvana as he has a relaxed attitude towards life, which i believe none of us can surpass him in this field. He never complained about how life is , always take things as they come, always treat others with politeness and kindness, never calculate on how much effort he puts in for anything. I truly envy him on how he carries himself and finds him the most happy person that i know. And I hope he can be the person he wants to be, a nun. haha.. i am talking nonsense again.
5. Anak Patung

He's the only one among us who is a non chinese. He has a rather introverted character like me, and is a very soft hearted person. We became more familiarwith each other only after secondary graduation. Patung has a very gentle character, and he is an easy going person like the Nun too, except that Patung is too sinful to live in any temple.
He is always with us, but stay in the background quietly like a shadow and perfectly ok with this role. But deep inside, we know that he is someone with his own personality too, but he chose to suppress it for unknown reasons. I find him a rather strong willed person as no one is able to change his mind once he has decided on something.
I want to take the chance to say thank you guys , you have brightened up my life bit by bit. It helps me to pull through many things, which I can't, if there is no back up from you guys. We have misunderstandings and understandings. We have fights and make ups. We shared happiness and unhappiness. I just hope we will be friends forever. And if you happen to read this, pls keep this blog as your little secret among us.