

It's 11.55 pm. now on a Monday night. Fat darby must be snoring away in blissful sleep and building his collagen at the same time. Well I hope he is :-) Two years of hard work in China have taken a toll on his health and some colour off him. Now is the only time he has to catch his breath and break the cycle of stress and worry. I wish he will get as much rest as he can and enjoy his short break, before he starts his new job in a new city.

This Friday is the due day to file the written submissions for the month long trial I did with my boss and Thess four weeks ago. Counsel has not quite gotten started on the draft and my boss is having nightmares, although we have been working on the points for submissions more than 2 weeks ago. I can foresee a whole week of long hours and brain damaging activites (going through the draft, debating drafting points and legal submissions with my boss, making sense of the cases and the LAW). It's all right though as I have the innate ability to crack silly jokes which amuse myself but irritate my boss at the same time. After making my Nth joke of the day in front of her, my boss finally gave up on me. She started to rattle some points in an inaudible manner to herself and whined that I am not being serious and no one was paying attention to her. Haha - how hilarious it is to know that my views are still wanted, even though I am a mental case.

I ended the day plonking my new semi-round belly in front of the TV and watched Jiang Mei Qi (Xiao Mei) sing a few songs by her favourite composers Lin Xi and Yao Qian. One song led to another and I soon discovered that these two (by now old but still talented) uncles have written quite a number of good songs. There's Sandy Lam's "Zhi Shao Hai You Ni", Tanya Chua's "Mo Sheng Ren" and Karen Mok's "Ai Qing". The best part of it all - I discovered that Xiao Mei could sing these songs as well as the original singers. It's a pity that she has not reached the same level of popularity as some more famous but less talented singers. A singer like her deserves a bigger break and audience. I hope she will get them.

The last headline news I have for you fans is that darby and I am making our way up north to KL this Saturday. This will be our 3rd trip to KL together and I am not expecting it to be very different from our previous trips where the activities are concerned. It's a good thing still as we don't get to spend much time with each other nowadays. A relationship needs to undergo some servicing from time to time (like the car engine) and I consider the KL trip a maintenance workshop for our 4 1/2 year relationship. I hope to come out of it running faster and longer.

